Hair loss is Very disturbing appearance , especially if it is in the severe level reductions could make us less confident. Some women often complain of hair loss during pregnancy because its hard to cure. Actually what causes hair loss during pregnancy?
Causes of hair loss in general
Malnourished hair
Vitamins A, B, C, and E, indispensable hair. Lack of vitamin A will make the hair dry and fall off easily. Vitamin B6 plays very important for hair growth. Vitamin C helps to strengthen hair. Whereas, vitamin E blood circulation to the head.
Less care
Always keep the cleanliness of your hair and skin by washing regularly, use the shampoo that suits your hair type. Do not let dirt accumulate on the scalp, which in turn can make the hair become damaged and fall out. In addition, avoid too frequent perming, steaming, or dry your hair with a hair dryer. If done too often, these things can ruin welcome.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause women to experience hair loss during pregnancy. With proper care and adequate nutrition, postpartum hair loss problem will resolve itself.
Stress can be the cause of various health problems, including causing hair loss. If stress is causing your hair loss, you should try to avoid stress.
If hair loss due to heredity, don't worry and don't blame circumstances. Enough to take care of your hair properly in order to reduced hair fall
Certain drugs
Hard drugs such as antidepressants, and diuretics which has the effect of removing the hair. When that happens, you have to talk about how to cope with your doctor so that the dose is lowered or replaced with alternative treatments.
Causes of hair loss during pregnancy
If a pregnant woman has had prior problems with hair loss, the possibility of hair fall during pregnancy will be more worst. Hair loss during pregnancy is actually caused by hormonal factors which the production of hormones estrogen and progesterone should be issued at the end of the menstrual cycle must be stopped, and the body must replace it by producing the hormone HCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin), which stimulates the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone production levels high.
This has led to some changes in the skin and tissue in the body including the hair and scalp which causes hair to become oily and greasy and limp. Loss due to the lack of these nutrients usually occurs in the second trimester and peaked at 3-4 months postpartum. Extra nutritional needs must be met with sufficient nutrients needed during pregnancy such as protein, B vitamins (especially biotin), vitamin C, and minerals zinc (Zn).
How to Handle with hair loss during pregnancy
Wash your hair regularly
Use a wide-toothed plastic comb.
Avoid tying the hair with a tight bond, especially with the use of rubber bands. This will result in trauma to the hair. Use the fabric-covered hair band for hair tie.
Do not let hair tied continues.
Avoid wearing veils / hijab hair when wet. Because it will increase the moisture content of hair that causes hair to fall out.
Make sure you use hair products that contain biotin and silica. Expand eat vitamins like Vitamin B complex, Vitamin E and Iron.